
miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Decadencia Urbana II (8)

Poniendo tejas.

Así he hecho las tejas, creo que no necesita explicación.

Estructura para la base del tejado: madera de balsa de 4mm.

Pintura y pátina de los listones de madera.

En el enlace que pongo más abajo, se puede ver el proceso de pintura y pátina para conseguir el aspecto de la madera, en este caso tiene moho hecho con pigmento verde:

3 comentarios:

  1. Time by time looking at what's new with your works José..
    Great to see how you really focus on the derelict appearence to the max...
    and hope we could meet one day or another during an exhib for show.
    I am already thinking about a booth with Marcel Ackle..
    Do you take part to them ?

  2. Thank you very much Emmanuel.
    It's a great idea to share a booth. The drawback is that this year will be difficult that I can go anywhere, for reasons work.
    A greeting.
    Jose Manuel

  3. Great that the idea about a common booth should find an interest.
    If it's not this year, it should be for later in a classy well known exhibition... I think it could be very impressive as well as interesting to meet us and share. We are only a few to present such decayed things with this kind of philosophy. I'll see Marcel in October and we will speak about that.
