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miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2021

Balboa fabricaciones (29)

Prácticamente el diorama está acabado.

Yo no soy de poner figuras porque restan realismo a los dioramas y resultan grotescas pero he encontrado unas hechas en 3D bastante buenas y he optado por poner unas cuantas humanizando así el diorama. Están pintadas al óleo y han tardado en secar bastante

Ahora solo faltan las fotos con luz solar y este diorama pasará a la historia.

Unas fotos nocturnas.

8 comentarios:

  1. Gracias por enseñar tu gran trabajo.i fantástico el trabajo de pintura con las personas parecen reales.

  2. Hello José,
    I visit your Blog since a few years. Your artwork is on of the beste I have ever seen.
    The persons are very nice. This shows an high noon calm and no action wich would destroy the ambiance.
    Now I have one question, whre you ot the 3D figures?
    Thanks a lot


  3. Thanks Ralf.

    The figures are not the classic PREISER or NOCH figures, they are 3D figures printed on a good printer.
    I leave the link for you to take a look:

    There are several scales.

  4. Hello José,
    thank you for this information. The models look very fine. I will observe these shop, but in England I will wait a while until I buy there somethink...



  5. Hi Ralf.

    There is another French brand that makes similar figures somewhat cheaper than Modelu: 3D-Studio.



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